These products have an extraordinary and powerful odor eliminator that inhibits the olfactory discomfort generated by the volatilization of Ammonia (NH3) from the handling of ORGANIC REMAINS or the cleaning of machinery where organic remains have been deposited or treated. At the same time, the organic load of these residues includes other types of gases derived from the digestive system of animal remains. This extends the components to sulfur compounds, sulfides and di-sulfides, thiols or mercaptans, butyric acid and methane. All these compounds have a very intense and annoying smell. The first of them is mainly oriented to the elimination of odors in animal farms.
is a product created specially for the elimination of odor, which inhibits and eliminates the olfactory nuisances generated by the fermentation of the organic matter deposited. The main components of pollution and nuisance, is generated by hydrogen sulfide, acetic acid, and are treated specifically.
Is an extraordinary and powerful odor eliminator, with a wide spectrum of action, which inhibits olfactory discomfort, generated by the emission of gases from water channeling systems (gray, black or rain). , that go out through the scuppers or from the sealed registers or wells, and whose main component of pollution and nuisance, is generated by the sulfides and thiols or mercaptans generated by these wastewater. Is a polymerized product with a remarkable density, in whose structure a membrane is incorporated for its better subjection, since this usually goes hung from the scupper vents or the covers of registers or wells.
Is an odor eliminator, which inhibits the olfactory discomfort generated by fatty acids, ammonia, amines and nitrogen in general. However, its special composition allows us to evaluate its high degree of efficiency in aromas derived from xylenes, formols or benzoles and, in general, in a large part of aromatic hydrocarbons. Especially suitable for moisture odors, usually generated in wood or porous materials.